Here is Why Sunset Beach Rentals are Perfect to Share!

Renting a beach home with another family is awesome.
It can save you money and make everything more fun. Whether you choose to meet up with friends or family members, Sunset Beach rentals are perfect to share. We have available rental homes in every shape and size, so you are sure to find one that works.
Below, we will outline a few reasons sharing a beach house is awesome. We will also offer a few tips on how to share costs and have more fun as a group.
There are plenty of bedrooms.
You can rent a beach house with any number of bedrooms, we even have a few homes with EIGHT! Our website allows you to choose a a home based on how many bedrooms you need (or how many people need to sleep there), so you will find the right house in no time.
There is room to hang out.
Unlike a hotel, where everyone is in their own cramped little space, a beach house lets you spread out. You will have your own kitchen, living room, and probably a pretty great porch or deck!
Check out the comfy deck at "098 Jack and Jill's". Can't you just picture hanging out with your best friend on this deck, while the kids play inside? ➡️
You can share expenses.
Cut every expense in half – from the cost of the rental down to the big bunch of bananas you buy for breakfast. Split the cost of your travel insurance. Go halfsies on the groceries. Yes, you will need to rent a slightly bigger vacation rental if you are sharing with another family, but that amount would still be less than if you rented two separate units.
You will have more fun.
Have you ever noticed that everything is just more fun when you include others? Especially if you have kids, it really improves the dynamic of the group.
Your family will likely be on their best behavior, and there are more opportunities for laughter and fun. A night in a the vacation rental is so much more enjoyable if you can share it with friends.

Tips for a successful shared vacation:
Talk about budget
Figure out how you will divide expenses BEFORE your trip (to avoid conflict).
Rock Paper Scissors
Who gets the best bedroom? Find a fair way to decide.
Meal plan with your friend
Sit down and work out who will cook or prepare which meals.
Take time apart
You don't have to do EVERY activity together. Do some stuff with just your crew.
Who will bring the toilet paper?
Make a list of what you need to bring, then divide & conquer.
Be considerate
Clean up after yourselves. Do the dishes. Share the chores. Don't let resentment ruin your trip!
We can't wait to see you here in Sunset Beach! We hope this blog has been helpful as you plan your vacation. We love seeing families and friends enjoy their time together.
A beach vacation is the perfect type to take with others, because it's so relaxed! No need to figure out the rides at Disney or which metro stop to take in New York City. You're at the beach. Just grab a drink, slather on some sunscreen, and enjoy your time here.
Our Sunset Beach rentals are perfect to share - we hope you think so, too.

Want to vacation with friends but don't want to share?