How to Perfect Your Fall Beach Home Decor in 5 Easy Steps

Fall Beach Home Decor

Light. Airiness. The sensation that serene waves are washing over your feet. This is the sensation you want to create with your beach-y decor, right? And it is so easy to do during the summer time. After all, beach decor is perfect for summer, what with its cool colors and cooling effect.


In the fall, though, you still need a calming atmosphere just as much as in the summer! And if you are in love with beach decor (who isn’t?!) then you don’t want to change the theme of your decor just because the season has changed from summer to fall and winter! So, the solution is to add fall touches to your lovely beach-y decor! How do you do that? We're glad you asked! Here are 5 easy steps to add fall and winter touches to your favorite calming, beach-y rooms.

1). Add in Some CozinessCozy Blankets


When fall comes around, (and winter, too, for that matter!) you feel the need for extra coziness. While a clean and cool beach style has serenity and calm built into it in boatloads, it doesn’t necessarily have "coziness" built in to it. So, how do you go about creating this extra seasonal sensation of coziness without changing your overall decor? By bringing in some extra pillows and warm wraps (aka, throws, decorative blankets…). The added softness from the pillows will make you feel like you can sink deep into any chair or sofa or bed, curling up with a good book while your feet warm up under you. And, of course, the blankets invite you to cuddle under them, further bringing feelings of coziness into your rooms.

2). Bring in Some Warm Touches

Another excellent way to bring seasonal warmth into your calm and cool beach house fall decor is through color. Now, before you say, "forget it, I’m not trading in my blues for oranges,” let us just say that this isn’t what we are talking about. Rather, we think you should keep your calm and serene greens and blues all year long! Then, when you bring your soft pillows and buttery chenille throws in for the season, it is the perfect opportunity to bring small pops of more autumnal colors. Mossy greens. Muted grayish blues. A hint of orange and red mixed in. While you won’t need to change your paint colors or redecorate, these simple new touches of color will help bring a more autumnal and winter air to your beach home.

3). Light the CandlesCandles


What is the quintessential, cozy, evening image that pops into your head when you think about a winter evening? Probably reading in front of the fire, a cup of hot chocolate or apple cider in your hands, right? Now, if you happen to have a fabulous fireplace in your home, then you can recreate this scene every night! If you don’t have a fireplace, though, don’t fret! With beautiful, well placed candles set in beautiful tiered arrangements you can create the same coziness that flickering firelight does. With an even more romantic touch. (Just remember to blow the candles out and watch the flame completely die before you go to bed or leave the room!)

4). Seasonal Bounty


What could be more seasonal than the seasonal bounty of fall and winter?! Without much expense or trouble, you can bring in pumpkins and a few fall leaves (or winter juniper garlands!) and instantly bring fall and winter into your home. And just as easily take the seasons of fall and winter out of your house when you want to get your beach home decor back to its usual summer vibe.

5). Set the Stage with ScentsFall Scents

Besides the beauty of color and flickering candlelight, what else can conjure up the warmth and beauty and flavor of fall and winter? Why scent of course! So when you light up those beautiful tiers of candles that run down the center of your dining room table and that accent your bedroom, make sure those candles are pumpkin spice and apple cider scented candles. Or ones that smell like pine and juniper. Rather than your usual floral and fresh air scents. That way you will know with your eyes closed just what season it is!

We can’t wait to know how you added fall and winter touches to your beach house fall decor. Leave us a comment and below and let us know what you’ve done!


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