Why Labor Day is the Best in Sunset Beach!
Can you believe that it is almost Labor Day already?! It seems like the summer has barely just begun, and now it is over. Or nearly over. Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer and the start of the beautiful fall season. (Though it might be hard to imagine fall during this intense summer heat.)
Labor Day in Sunset Beach is one last opportunity to indulge in a care-free summer vacation. And since you have a lovely three-day weekend built in to your work week, Labor Day is most definitely the perfect opportunity for you to indulge in one last summer vacation before school starts…and before your work schedule gets even more intense.
Have you been putting off your summer vacation? Or just your vacation, period? It is time to take action! No more putting that vacation off! Take advantage of the Labor Day weekend in Sunset Beach, with a fabulous and family friendly vacation! Right here in Sunset Beach.
Let us show you just why you need to come to Sunset Beach for Labor Day!
The Beach
What could be more fabulous than the beach, at any time of year? And, of course, with a name like Sunset Beach you already know that the beach is the main attraction over Labor Day in Sunset Beach! Labor Day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in one last lovely summer trip to the beach, complete with long walks on the beach while a cool wind ruffles your hair and keeps the sun from making you too hot. What could be more relaxing and delight than the beach, contributing to your family coming together into a closer and more beautiful bond.
The Serenity
Serenity goes hand in hand with the beach setting of your Labor Day vacation in Sunset Beach. The surf will sooth your tired and even frazzled nerves with its rhythmic in and out…the lapping on the shore washing your cares away. Just imagine it and you will start to breath easier. Then the sweet scent of the warm sand as it squishes between your toes will further your relaxation while the sparkle of the stars as it is magnified by the ocean’s surface will fill you with bubbling delight.
The Space
Ah, the space to breath! Doesn’t that sound amazing? With the serenity that Sunset Beach will wash over your soul you will be able to breath easily. Draw a deep, full breathe. Between the beautiful ocean and the wide and spacious sky, you will never feel physically crowded in Sunset Beach, either! Which means it is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city over Labor Day.
The Fun
Yes, besides the space to breath and the serenity that we offer, we also serve up some fabulous Labor Day fun in Sunset Beach! That’s right! We have the Oak Island Labor Day Surf Off all day long on September 2nd.
The Entertainment Scene
While Sunset Beach is beautifully serene and spacious, it is also close enough to Myrtle Beach for you to get to indulge in it’s entertainment scene! Think, dinner theaters, water parks (its a lovely time of year to take your family to a water park over Labor Day!), and fabulous music.
We can’t wait to see your smiling family as one of the happy and rejuvenated families in Sunset Beach! It will be a beautiful, rejuvenating, and serene vacation for you, we promise! Labor Day is fast approaching, though - hurry and book your vacation with us now!